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Maharashtra - Part II

(Sunset over the city. Canon 1200D. 1/500. ISO 200) Mumbai Day 1  We reached Mumbai at around 9 pm. We stayed at my mom's friend's house. Their hospitality was so good that no hotel could beat that. It felt like we were in our own home. The next day we had planned to go to Elephanta Caves (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and some other places. But we ended up spending all of our time in just Elephanta Caves. It takes a lot of time just to get there on the boat. Also, we couldn't start early because we were all tired from the long journey. We left home at noon. (Gateway of India. Canon 1200D. 1/400. ISO 100) The boat ride starts from The Gateway of India. The boat left at 1:30 and reached the island at around 2:50. After de-boarding the boat we have to walk 2 km to reach the caves. After you reach there the whole thing seems like not worth the effort, especially when you are visiting Mumbai for the first time and there are a lot of other places you can visit. (Elephanta Caves. M

Maharashtra - Part I

  From 23rd Nov to 27th Nov 2016 (Nikon S6500. 1/640. ISO 125)   Spoiler alert - this is gonna be a long series. But not to worry, I will break it down in parts and will try to make this as interesting as possible. So, shall we start? This was a family trip. This trip will remain in my fondest memory forever for so many reasons. One of those being this was the first time we went on a plane. In my personal opinion, there isn't anything special about traveling on a plane, except if it's a sunrise or a sunset. But we were all so excited to board a plane for the first time. We boarded in Bangalore and got off in Pune. From Pune, we went to Shirdi where we had rooms booked in Karnataka Bhavan. The rooms were cheaper and the food was nice. We reached Shirdi at around 8 pm. We checked in, had food, and went to the temple. The temple was surprisingly empty. We just walked and stood right in front of the idol. (A temple in Nashik. Canon 1200D. 1/400. ISO 200) The next day we went to Nas

Ermayi Falls

  3rd October 2020. (Ermayi waterfalls. Mi A3. 1/250. ISO 58) Before we start - Some people suggested me to continue writing travel blogs and less of a tutorial kind of thing. And some found the tutorials helpful. So, it was a mixed reaction. I will continue doing both. Just mix them up and not make this boring. Thanks for all of your feedback. I do take it into consideration before writing my blogs. Okay, let's begin. Ermayi falls has been on my bucket list for so long. There has always been some work or other stopping me from going there. But this time I made up my mind. My friend and I went on a bike. The best thing about traveling through the Western Ghats is the amazing view it offers you. Especially the Charmadi Ghats. The curved roads taking you deeper and deeper into the forest. With amazing hill ranges on one side and water flowing over the rocks on the other, the journey just seems magical. (Western Ghats. Canon 1500D. 1/125. ISO 100) We took a longer time than needed to

The Best Sunset

Date of the subject: 28th Sept 2019. (Original. Mi A3. 1/120. ISO 194) Have you noticed that sunsets are crazy good in September and October? I don't have any research or study to back this claim, though it is said that it's mostly because the day starts shortening in September. But I do have many photos to back my claim. Today the subject is more of a 'how' rather than 'where'. This is not a travel blog for now. I am gonna be writing about the sunset we witnessed and how we set about to captured it, and later edit it. Editing is a part of photography. You can't separate those two. Mind you, editing is done to make the picture resemble the actual scenery and not to give over-dramatic effects. But sadly, we are seeing a lot of the latter rather than the former. Without further whining, we shall start. (Original - unedited. Mi A3. 1/20. ISO 616) (I have edited these images in Adobe Lightroom for mobile) The first things to look for are cropping and straighteni

Scotland of India - Madikeri (Part III)

(Nagarahole Park. Nikon S6500. 1/400. ISO 125) The Final Day - Iruppu Falls and Nagarahole National Park The last day of the trip was quite dull. We could only cover two places since both places were a bit far away. We hired a taxi from Madikeri; left home at around 10 after having breakfast. (And yeah, we covered 3 waterfalls in 3 days) Iruppu Falls (Iruppu Falls. Honor 4X. 1/153. ISO 100) Our first stop was Iruppu Falls. A hidden beauty in the Brahmagiri range, we have to walk for around 2 km from the parking space to reach this waterfalls. The path is kind of paved. So, it is easy to walk. Along the way, there are different boards informing us about the animals residing in that forest. There was a ramp to the exact water falling spot. We went and stood (and played) under that freezing water (I'm not sure if they're allowing that now). It was, quite literally, breathtaking. We enjoyed a lot at this place. Then we left for Nagarahole. Nagarahole (Deer in Nagarahole. Nikon S65

Scotland of India - Madikeri (Part II)

(Somewhere near Mandalpatti. Xperia L. 1/243. ISO 100) The 2nd Day - Mandalpatti and Mallalli Falls Let's start from where we left, eh?   We could only cover two places, but given the time constraints and no own vehicle, I think it is understandable. We had tasty food at home and there was no need to hurry. So, we enjoyed every bit and left home at around ten. Mandalpatti (Mandalpatti veiwpoint. Honor 4X. 1/1585. ISO 200) Although Mandalpatti is a fairly popular tourist place, the place has no (or at least didn't have when I visited it again last year) proper connectivity through public transport. So, we had to hire a jeep from Madikeri. You can also go to the foot of the hills and hire a jeep from there, but it's pricey. The road was very bad (as with any other hill station roads). To go there in a normal car would be a nightmare. So, up we went. There weren't many people up there, mostly because it was eleven in the morning and the sun was blazing. To be honest, Manda

Scotland of India - Madikeri (Part I)

( Raja's Seat. Captured on Honor 4X. 1/40, ISO 100) 9th to 11th December, 2015 Before we get started, let's hear a quick word from our sponso-- nah, just kidding. But seriously though I want to make a couple of things clear. I do most of my editing on Snapseed mobile or Adobe Lightroom mobile or sometimes using Gimp (which is a free and open source application that you should check out if you are interested). I will try to add screenshots wherever possible and also the device with which the picture was captured and the metadata. The trip This is a trip that I will cherish for years to come. This was the first time that I went on a trip without my parents. My two friends and I planned for this in three days' time. This was new to me. Earlier, in other trips, there was nothing to do except to listen to my parents. No worrying about accommodation or food or more importantly, money. We left Bangalore on 8th night and reached Madikeri on next early morning. And thankfully, we d

Welcome to my blog - A small introduction

What is this blog about? This is just a small preview into my love for photography where I will try to get into detail as to how I captured the moment, why I captured it, how I edited them and many more things. So, this is basically a heart-to-heart about whatever I feel like writing, and also about what you want to hear. Sometimes when I post a picture on Instagram I wish that you would know the story behind the picture, and I try to describe it somehow, but it's not always possible on a social media platform like Instagram. About me A normal CA student with a passion for photography. I started getting into photography in 2014 when my parents bought me a Nikon Coolpix point and shoot camera. I started taking pictures of things like butterflies, spiders and all normal, everyday objects that you see around. So, inevitably, I started posting my pictures on Facebook and Instagram. I got a good initial reaction from friends which pushed me to learn more about photography in general. I