(Shallow Grasslands. Mi A3. 1/3200 sec. ISO 94) Sometimes things can go wrong in so many ways yet the end result could turn out to be wonderful. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it is an amazing feeling. The first mistake was going on a bike with bad front brakes. More on that later. (Mountains of Western Ghats. Mi A3. 1/1513 sec. ISO 90) Ballalarayana Durga is a fort built during the 12th century. All it remains are the ruins of the fort. The fee for the whole trek is Rs. 250. You can either just go to the fort or continue the trek to the Bandaje Falls. Going to the fort is easy. It takes only around 40 minutes. But to really enjoy the trek you need to go to the waterfalls. It takes around 2 hours from the fort. You get to enjoy the views of shallow grasslands. But there is no shade for resting. Most of the path is open grasslands. So, it might be difficult to trek during summer. We went in November, and still, it was very hot and sunny. We left Hassan at 6.30 a...